The Video Conference Interview
The Video Conference Interview
Whilst many companies have put a freeze on their recruitment, some have not and others are looking ahead to when we move to a ‘new normal’.
HR are facing considerable challenges due to COVID -19 and this can include how to recruit remotely.
With access to Zoom, FaceTime and other video call software, having an initial interview should be straight forward especially with many people working from home or furloughed.
What you do need to consider is who will be involved with the hiring process and how will you ensure consistency with the interview process.
The interviewer needs to have access to relevant software for the interview process and to be clear on the experience and skill set required. Also, to ensure that each candidate is asked the same relevant competency-based questions which will help to create the score card!
Making an Employment Offer from a Virtual Interview.
Meeting someone in person is naturally better but if you need to recruit and are nervous about making an employment offer from the ‘virtual interview’ consider the options.
Firstly, a number of ‘virtual’ interviews with different interviewers. ( The same approach as the Face to Face interview )
Or organise virtual breakfast or coffee meeting interviews.
Reference checks will be as your normal procedure.
Of course when an offer is accepted a virtual welcome breakfast/lunch/drinks and induction)
Options to lessen the risk factor
This can include a longer probation period .
Delaying the start date to when we move out of lock-down.
Or if this still makes you nervous you could consider taking on an highly experienced interim candidate.
There are different options to ensure that your recruitment process is successful.
If you wish to discuss the different challenges. Contact us at Talisman Fashion on 00 44 203 174 1679
Or via Everything is possible . Here to help.