Congratulations to each Oscar winner and to the close runner ups! Exceptional talent attending the…
Retail Therapy to boost our confidence. Yeah!
Those non-essential stores will be re-opening very soon. Hooray! Don’t worry about the cash there will be some good discounts to encourage us to spend .
Yes we love e commerce but we also need to get out of our home which has been doubling up as the office. Walk about and practice more social distancing with loud conversations!
We all look forward to stores re opening and appreciate the strict safety measures each will need to put in place for employees and customers. From the guidelines for social distancing to providing hand sanitizers and encouraging cashless purchases. Something which we have become well used to within supermarkets.
Within clothing stores, you may not always be able to try on product and this could also apply for footwear. It could be that product that has been tried on but not bought has to be steam cleaned or quarantined. Ditto sofas and chairs! Measures that may also apply to some e commerce product bought and returned . So try not to handle goods unless you are serious about buying!
In the UK to avoid misinformation the British Retail Consortium and Usdaw provide the helpful guidelines.
We wish every retailer good luck and success at this challenging time.