If you love the beautiful work of Dolce & Gabbana this exhibition is a must…
A modern Santa would wear a man bun, ripped jeans and trainers
We all imagine Santa as the bearded old man in his iconic white and red suit, measured black belt and matching boots. But what about if Father Christmas takes on the latest fashion trends from the latest collections and adapts them to his looks?
Fancy dress online shop, Escapade, looked into this year’s Google Trends, to find out the most searched for menswear terms in the UK, US and Australia, to picture how a modern Santa would be styled if he was to have a makeover.
Based on the results, the online retailer updated Santa’s winter wardrobe and recreated his look in this image. In it, he ditches his iconic suit and matching hat to adopt a red turtle neck jumper (one of the biggest fashion trends during winter) instead, combined with Nike Air Max trainers, sherleaing gloves and ripped jeans – these being some of the most searched for fashion terms this season.
Also, he’d probably keep the white bushy beard, and would add an extra hipster twist with the “man bun” (the search for this term went up by 402% in the UK)